Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I've been tagged!

I have been tagged in a little blogger picture game by Lynsey at The Foster Following.

The rules: Open the 6th picture folder on your computer, open the 6th photo and blog it. Write something about it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same.

This picture was taken at an event on August 30, 2007 that I was invited to, to check out a new hotel property. I brought Matt and my parents. This is me with Greg Kelser, basketball player from the 1979 Championship Spartan Basketball Team. I definitely had a case of celebrity awe... until the next morning (aka football Saturday) and I had Matt snap this one...

Yes, that's Tom Izzo, coach of the Spartan men's basketball team!!! I really need to get this one framed!

And for my 6 people to tag:
1. Molly at You're Talking Jibberish
2. Amy at Life in the Junction
3. Ameron at Sweet Country Lovin'
4. Marie-Etta at Adventures in Holy Matrimony
5. Anne Marie at A. Day. In. The. Life. Of. Anne. Marie
6. Renee at A Taste of Life

And since I like to reminisce, here's some additional pictures from that weekend...

My dad sorta likes the Spartan cheerleaders.


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