Monday, September 7, 2009

Cheeseburger in Caseville Family

Last of these posts, but I can't leave out the whole reason for going to Cheeseburger in Caseville, to get together with my mom's side of the family.

Here's the adults. Left to right are my grandma, mom, Aunt Robin (in the back), Aunt Sharon, Uncle Steve, me and Matt...

Little Miss Rowyn, enjoying her elephant ear...
Kynson, also enjoying his elephant ear... Cousins Devyn, Kynson and Rowyn...
I like this one of my mom and I...

Matt and I with our good friends, Don Middlebrook and Laurie...
Around the house, my grandparents' house, that is...

My cousin Tommy splitting wood for a fire later that night
Smashing, isn't he?
Can you tell that Rowyn LOOOOVVEEESSS Ozzy?
Sleepy doggies...

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