Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday Pick Me Up

I knew there was a reason I took a mental break from work this morning to check my blog updates! That's how I discovered that I've been tagged by Heather at Heather Drive!! This is a fun one that has already brightened my day just thinking of all the things that make me happy.

The Rules:
- List 10 things that make you happy
- Tag 10 other bloggers and link back to the person who tagged you

Ten Things That Make Me Happy:

1. Saturday mornings with Mr. Tote one one side, Ozzy between us and Athena on the other side, trying desperately to get close enough to suck on my ear. Silly kitteh.
2. A perfectly seasoned, perfectly medium-rare filet mignon.
3. Giving friends and family homemade gifts.
4. Looking at silver jewelry from a beach vendor with my best friend in our lounge chairs on a beach in the Riviera Maya. (enough prepositions in that one??)
5. Christmas decorations. Lights, ornaments, nativities, garland, I love it all!
6. Spending time with our families.
7. Walking in my backyard, looking at all of the beautiful flowers in my garden. Hurry, SPRING!!!!!
8. Weekend trips up north. So impromptu, so rewarding.
9. FISHING! I love fishing!
10. The soundtrack to Wicked. "... we're gonna make you POP-U-LAR"
Now, onto the tagging!!
1.Lynsey at The Foster Following
2. Renee at A Taste of Life
3. Brittany at Superwoman
4. Megan at 1 Funky Woman
5. Elly at Elly Says Opa
6. Mary Ellen at Mary Ellen's Cooking Creations
7. Roeshel at The DIY Show Off
8. Molly at You're Talking Jibberish
9. Kimi at The Millers
10. Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous
Have a wonderful Wednesday, all!


  1. Hey Katie! Thanks for the tag! how fun. I can't believe you love fishing. wow. I've never fished in my life, but I never plan too!! lol
    Happy Wednesday!

  2. Woohoo! Thanks for the tag!
    I'm pretty much in love with your blog, lol.

  3. Oh, you are too sweet, thanks for the tag! I can't wait to let everyone know what makes me happy! I'll let you know a secret, you are 1 of them!

  4. Katie, I finally posted my 10 Happy Things! You are such a sweetie!
