Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fuddy Duddies

Confession: I can't help taking pictures of our pets. Athena, Ozzy and Pandora are such a joy and I can't help but smile when they do something cute or funny. Here are some of my recent faves...

Ozzy's first boating trip...

Me, the Oz-meister and my kick ass bass!

Let me explain...

Little Miss Pandora loves to be outside. Great! We love to let her out so she can soak up the rays. Well, one day I was exploring the pond and wooded area behind our house looking for a mysterious meowing kitten (which I never found, by the way). When I came back up to the house, Matt informed me that he couldn't find Pandora. Secretly, I was thinking that he "conveniently" left the gate open since he isn't exactly in love with her. Well, I freaked out and started searching all over for her. FOUND! She had made her way under our shed and was just hanging out under there, with no intentions of coming out.

So Matt and I grabbed rakes and started sweeping our weapons under the shed to force her out. She hipped and hopped over the handles, like it was a game. So I had the brilliant idea to grab the hose and soak her out. So, here I was, sweeping my rake while Matt's on the other side, spraying her and laughing hysterically. Well, she FINALLY came out...and she was furious.

And now onto adorable Athena Grace, the cat who loves to sleep on our BRAND.NEW. couches... sometimes in a sitting position.

Post-visit to the groomer who shaved her. SILLY!

All sprawled out...

Maximum face smooshage...

Enjoy! I'm sure I'll post more soon!


  1. Lol I love the pictures. I'm in the same boat as you. I take way to many pictures of our two cats. Their so freaking adorable though.

  2. Those pictures were so awesome. I love the wet pissed off cat. Classic.

  3. Did I miss house pictures?? I have been looking forward to before and after pics!!

  4. Hi Katie!!

    I know I haven't been over here in a MINUTE but I wanted to stop by & say "hi" since you've always been sure to do the same for me :) These pics of your "kids" are too much... it seems Athena & I may carry ourselves a bit similarly when in "sit" mode, lol ;)

