Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Feelin' the Love and Showin' the Love!

A big thank you to the eight lovely ladies who left heartfelt comments after I was moping around from my last giveaway. As a way of thanking all of you, I'm giving away two wire-wrapped flattened wine bottles. The bottles are shown below. I haven't wrapped them yet, so I can get some feedback from the winners for bead and wire color choices.

So, using random.org, I've found two wonderful winners. Here we go!


Renee said...

I always read posts through reader too and sometimes I forget to go back and comment but I'm here and I read all of your posts!

HoneyB said...

Oh sweetie :( I'm sorry I missed your giveaway. I would have certainly entered. I just got my laptop back and today is my first day that I even had much time to be on! I would have loved one of your prints!! Lucky two who did comment and win!

So Renee and Shelby, CONGRATS! Email me at brophyka (@) msu (.) edu and we'll get started! Thanks to all of you for lifting my spirits. You really made my day.


  1. Aww.. you're so nice! I sent you an e-mail, but thanks and you didn't have to do that :) Just showing a sister blogger some love!

  2. Pooey! That's okay, it's a great consolation prize knowing that we made your day better.
    See...I do check you daily!

  3. Of course Renee won. I knew she was your favorite. haha. JK. :)
